Thursday, December 19, 2013

I have decided that making long blog posts takes more time than making a daily fact post. So from now on I will be posting short tidbits of information that I am asked about.

So here's the first one:

"Tdap is short for Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis. Due to outbreaks in the past years, we are pushing Tdap for all unless contraindications exist - like an allergy to pertussis vaccines."


  1. I just rec'd mine in October! Thank you.

    1. Awesome I hope we can try to vaccinate as much of the population as possible!

    2. Is this the same as the tetanus shot you get for stepping on a nail and such?

    3. Yep! We used to believe that you were protected from pertussis with childhood vaccinations, but now we know that boosters are needed.
